Alice Wellington, Ph.D. Retired Licensed Clinical Psychologist

From The Therapist's Chair

Blog Post Introduction

My clients are my heroes. The courage it takes to come into my office, bare their soul, and then let me challenge their strategies for living - their rationale and long relied on logic - is mind blowing, but also a testament to the human drive to heal and our resiliency. I don’t ask anything of my clients, however, that I won’t ask of myself. I self-explore regularly as well with brutal honesty, and that’s where my questions come from for my clients, my own curiosity based on my own self-challenges.

With this incredible privilege of dipping into the human mind, I’ve discovered patterns for mental distortions and patterns for correction and patterns of healing. That’s what I want to offer here.

My goal with this blog is to reveal what I’ve learned about humanity through my practice and my own life, and recommend how I believe we can use that knowledge to heal ourselves and our world. I will line out a 5 step introspective process for healing (The 5 Cs), it’s what I discovered organically throughout my experience as a psychotherapist and personal journey, and employ regularly in each of my sessions. 

Also below I will lay a foundation by offering my basic philosophies that I’ve discovered and honed over the years. This will serve as the foundation for allowing the 5 Cs to do it’s job with the greatest efficacy.

Also, I will use my own life explorations as examples of my theories.

IntroAlice Wellington